Sunday, February 1, 2009

About Hapag ng Pag-asa painting

The “Hapag ng Pag-asa” was painted by Joey Velasco which was inspired by the 12 poor pitiful children. I am teary-eyed the first time I saw this painting. I don’t know why but it really strikes my heart. The painting let me realize how fortunate I am despite of everything because I still have the things that I want and love. I eat three times a day with enough foods each meal, my mom provides everything that I need and she was able to send me in a good school. This things and effort of my mom was being neglected before. Now I realize that I should be contented of what I have. That instead of protesting to what she’s giving to me, I should make the best out of everything that I have now. For not everyone is blessed and fortunate in this world. Come to think of it…….may it inspires you too…….!!!!!!!!!

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